Welcome to the Xavier-ICA Web Ring Homepage! At last- it's up and finished. Well... not exactly that finished but more or less improved. You have to admit that it is much greater improvement over the first one. Eventhough you could consider this homepage, perpetually under construction, think of it this way: this is our way of continuing to improve the web ring and every thing else concerning it.
Considering joining the ring? Go ahead! What have you got to lose? Although there aren't much benefits to joining the ring except higher site traffic, you have to consider the prestige of being a members of this organization (as if!), and it'd also be nice for Xavierians and ICAns to be able to connect to each others hps in just one sitting, wouldn't it?
Our Thanks to the Following:
GOD, Him the creator of all, whom without him this web ring would have just been a figment of the imagination.
Jean Paolo Ty for the nice web ring graphics and putting up with all our "kakulitan".
JP Tan for giving our webring a great new (and perhaps better) face in his hp.
DocAga for advertising and supporting the web ring through his site.
Everyone who has supported our Web Ring in one way or another.
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For members only, if you're part of the ring. All you have to do is go here to edit your site info.
For both members and non-members, these announcements concern you. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek in here once in a while, would it?
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